Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gamer Journal - Day 43

43 days playing Street Fighter.. Is it paying off?

Frankly it's hard to tell. How can you judge a fighters skill? By wins? Probably.. But wins against scrubs really aint wins at all to me.

Personally it's being able to adapt and be creative tgat separates the good from the great.

Tonight I played 20 games against a C+ player, taking 4 wins home. The bottom line being that I need to learn more and be more creative. My lack of skills at the moment restrict what I'm capable of.. It's like life. You need to know to grow, and to grow you gotto be BOLD.

My training against DeeJay was pretty good, but the Ken matchup was my downfall.

I did however work out some new taunts and mind games. Most importantly moving slowly into a downed character then hoping back to draw the whiff. It's day 1 stuff, but to make this work in actual fights is something else.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gamer Journal - Day 44

Question.. Who reads anymore? Why havnt I just been uploading practice vids? Surely that the best way to recognize some basic flaws in the game is to go back over my play and figure shit out!

Holy shit I'm slow..

On a side note, spent 2 hours on Juri vs. Ken and DeeJay. Tomorrow I'll be having a few games against some hardcore gamers in Bubaigawara.. Yeah I have no idea where that is either yo...

Next up.. Training!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Winning Quotes – Les Brown

Resource - OptionSelect

One stop shop on Street Fighter..

Dope, dope, sick ass resource for all things Street Fighter.

I’ve been pretty dumb not to have found this site until now, but with my attention on Tekken these past few weeks.. Shitty excuse.. Whilst I was checking tutorials for Juri and her potential on Youtube, Ry’s video stood out above everything else. Really beautiful editing, excellent breakdown of frame rates.. It’s tight and to the point. So far I’ve just had enough time to check the vids and get an over view on the site.. But I ain’t gonna be looking for any other SF resources for a while now..

That’s all for now. I’m gonna be spending some serious hours at Option Select the next few weeks covering Juri and Chun. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gamer Journal - Day 42

Spent 2 hours on SF training on Juri's Fuhajin. I'm pretty sloppy with the quarter circle forward and backwards movement and since it's her bread and butter, I'll need it to be reliable for competing.

Her Kasatushi technique too is something I'll be using a lot too. At EVO there was some pretty decent Juri players, but generally been used as rush down, but this move could be as useful as a teleport, at least. Projectile characters will have to watch for quick reversals.. And another thing.. Ryu's Metsu Hadouken can be countered by the Kasatushi.. In some cases, you can favor the teleport over jumping, as there is less chance of been caught in the air.

What else..

Kaisen Dankairaku is excellent as an anti air, and of course focus attacks can be followed up with the ultra too. I didn't check, but I'm pretty sure Dhalsim would get caught teleporting above her.

More practice on charge and release next, landing combos.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Resource - Twitch TV

Was rooting about online and found a tight stream for SSF4, hosted by some of the best players in Japan. Today’s matches being host by the one and only Fuudo.. and the one and only Tokido! Honestly speaking I thought Saturday night would be money match night at the arcades..

Every Saturday Night 9.30~

Training - LUYG 2

So part 2 is pretty dull, but they gotto get everything covered here, tech rolls and whatnot. i gotto admit though, I never really got how to rol and stay down (1, hold d) so it's all good.. in for a penny, in for a pound.

Part 2 Covers
Side Stepping
Side Walking
Tackle Breaking
Grab Breaks
Get Ups
Chinese Get Up

Resource - Level Up Your Game

So taking on Monchans advice..

Gettin straight into LUYG, a solid recourse dedicated solely to the Tekken scene.. Great. The Zaibatsu seems to be more about communication within the Tekken community, keeping up to date with developments, trouble shooting ect.. LUYG is exactly what it says on the tin. Straight up knowledge on how to level up.

Part 1 Covers
Annotations (1, 1+2..)
Back Dashing
High/Low Crushing
Low, Mid, High Attacks
Running Slides
Avoiding Tackles
Ultimate Tackles

Over the past few months I'd picked up some bad habits, and still some of the simple shit was escaping me. even the shit that I do have down needs some work.. So MYK (Michael Kwon), True! (Aldrin Espinosa) and Rip (Reepal Parbhoo) are goin tell me what's going wrong..

Gamer Journal - Day 40

The past few weeks have been pretty insane work wise, but I've noticed I havnt been putting the work into my Tekken or Sf.

I got book smart recently, learning a few names, a few techniques here and there.. But the improvements are next to 0%.

Speaking to Monchan on Saturady left me feeling like I knew nothing.. In reality it's true, but to think the past few weeks had been a drop in the bucket was disconcertin.. Even with a bunch of wins behind me, he kinda prooved the point.. That the wins I had didn't mean anything..

So tonight I'll be all about jack 6.. Spend a couple of hours watching the combo videos and learning the trade..

Need to pick up the pace..

Winner Quote - Ali

“If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.”

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.

“If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.”

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tekken Zaibatsu

Had the first meetup with the Zaibatsu community here in Tokyo last night..
If I'm going to get anywhere, I've gotto have community support. Sure you can self study, but having a community gives you that extra incentive.. Had a long day a work don't feel like playing.. Ran out of ideas.. Getting bored.. That kinda stuff is day in day out.. The community will always push just that little harder..

Take last night for example, meeting with Monchan (a good guy and long time fighter) who gave me a few pointers on my game.. The bottom line being .. "Learn the game" and "Learn juggles".. I was kinda laughin, (since it's a while since I got handled so bluntly), but this guy was serious.

The meet was good, the guys were good, the skills on the otherhand were a totally different class. Felt a little less salty when I heard they had been in the game since 96/97, and sure enough my ass was handed to me..

The main thing with the community that I wanted was rivalry.. And within 20 mins, I got it.

Monchan took all of the 20 matches we played, taunting with Miguel, not just using Miguel’s taunt but also spamming moves and showing very little respect.. Juggling and just all round getting me heated. By the end of the match I had to just get up outta sheer rage.. Technically I can't complain, the better player was winning, but as soon as I lost my pace.. I might as well have been throwing puppies at a tank.

It's all good though, much respect, and gave me a lot of the simple shit I've been needing to hear.

"ArcadeHero: So you wanted some advice... Here it is: I'm still not sure what sort of character you want to play. You told me jokingly that you'd like to play female characters which, in my opinion, is a horrible way to pick characters. That's ok though. You can take that statement with a grain of salt. Here's the important part. Ready for it?

Learn the juggles. This is essentially the core of tekken's punishment system. Reaping the correct reward for the opponent's risk. Other wise, to be quite honest, tier lists will not matter.

I'll leave character choice up to you for now but if you have the time, please search "level up your game" on YouTube and watch all the basic tutorials. All for now. If you have any questions feel free to ask."


Interview - Snooker

Got to talking with a semi pro snooker player last night about the ins and out of competitive play.

Since realizing a major flaw in my gameplay (the competitive edge.. And lack of quality) a few weeks back, I've been rooting around for a bit of self-development.

In terms of snooker (or any competitive sport), much relies on punishing or capitalizing on the opponent’s mistake. While you're off the table, the game is completely out of your control.. Pretty much the same as being launched in Tekken... Sit it out. Although requiring completely different skills in terms of dexterity and planning, snooker has a lot to give about handling adrehlin, making the most of opportunities and complete control over movements.

Sean (snooker dude) told me about some advice he had been given by a lecturer during his competitive days;
"He asked me a simple question, "Would you rather play a good player and lose, or play a bad player and win?".. Now most people would properly end up saying they'd prefer to lose but gain something.. That it's honorable to play and lose, and take that loss as development.. But the reality is everyone wants to win. You ask you're average Joe shmuck on the street and they'll give you the same answer."

"This guy (lecturer) really opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. For a long time I wasn't having any of it, but slowly I could see his point."

As a young player Sean was pretty arrogant, and had a hard time with losses; "I fucking hated losing.. Fucking hated it.. And I lost so many friends because of it.."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Focus - Juri


Juri's projectile which is one of the most unorthodox projectiles seen in any Street Fighter game to date. Light Kick travels low to the ground, Medium Kick travels across the middle of the screen at a slight upward angle, and Hard Kick travels upwards at a 45 Degree angle.

Each strength can be stored by holding down the kick, and you can store all three strengths at once, unleashing them one after another. This can useful for creating new combos considering the fireball can not only be released after an attack such as Crouching Medium Kick, but can also be FADC'd to continue the combo.

Light Kick version will travel under projectiles, even low Tiger shots, and will also hit opponents who are low to the ground, such as Blankas Coward Crouch.

There is also another element of this projectile which is the initial start up of the move. Juri will kick upwards creating a trail of purple energy. This is an attack which will knockdown on hit, and absorb incoming projectiles if timed correctly.


This is Juri's Dive Kick which allows her to set up some extremely hard hitting combos, but be careful because when it is blocked it is extremely unsafe in most instances. Each version will travel down at a different angle, and when the attack lands, on block or hit, you can press kick two more times for a follow up attack. The move is also her Armor Breaking attack which makes it very useful in catching Focus-Happy opponents.

The Shikusen can be done very low to the ground which makes it ideal for punishing opponents missed moves. Simply jump and input the command immediately to do it very close to the ground.

The EX versions has properties that make it even more devastating than the normal versions. When she lands and EX Shikusen, the opponent will bounce off the wall allowing her to follow up with an EX Senpusha or even Ultra II!


This is Juri's signature "pinwheel kick" which is primarily useful in combos. From close range, if the opponent blocks this attack it is easily punishable so be sure to also combo into it directly when possible. The EX Version is a fairly good move on wake up, allowing her to beat out many moves and inflict a lot of damage in the process.


This is Juri's "Taunt & Teleport" move where she will lean forward, and will teleport in various directions when she is hit by any non throw or armor breaking attack. Light Punch will move her backwards, Medium Punch moves her through the opponent and Heavy Punch will send her flying above the opponent.

The EX version can be controlled using the joystick. For instance, if you perform the EX Version and hold up she will fly above the opponent, but if you hold back, she will go backwards.


Whether or not you use Juri's super really depends on what type of player you are. Some players will like to save her EX meter for her special moves, while others will use the Super to connect off of certain attacks. It's not a bad Super by any means so it's worth experimenting with to see if it fits into your game plan.


Juri's first Ultra allows her to chain her normal moves together, creating combos that were not previously possible. This is arguably her better Ultra when used properly, even though it generally wont allow guaranteed damage like her second Ultea.


Many players will opt to use Juri's second Ultra due to the fact that it results in guaranteed damage in most cases. After an EX Shikusen, once the opponent bounces off the wall, she can combo into it, and of course after a Level 2 or 3 Focus Attack.

2 weeks with - Juri

Juri's trash..
Usually I wouldn't wipe my ass with a tier list, but in SF they do account for something.. And the amount of shit you hear about Juri is ridiculous.. I just don't get it; she has anti air, fireballs, counters.. I just don't get it..

Nevertheless the next 2 weeks is gonna be nothin but Juri duty (the one week set ups haven’t really done much good for me, so let's see what I can do in 2 weeks)

Although being bottom tier, after 2 hours with her last night, I gotto say I love her to bits..

The Fuhajin can be charged and released at any time by holding down the kick button. It can lead to some real shenanigans. Then getting mixed up with her Kasatushi, taunt/teleport.. She’s gonna be a bunch of fun..

EVO - Reactions

No posts over the weekend, and very little time to train.. But what can you expect when EVO is on!!

In terms of upsets and drama.. This one was a biggy. Top players failed to qualify, and all levels of upsets rocked Las Vegas.

Too much happened, but here's a few gut reactions..

PR_Balrog dropping was too bad, awesome guy, deserved his top 8 position, and should have gone further.
Justin Wong had a great competition; his match up in MvC 3 against Noel Brown was a game highlight.
Noel brown coming out of the blue as an entourage buddy for JWong and co was excellent. He has plenty of time playing against and analyzing some of the greatest players in America, so that kinda shit is always gonna raise your game. Add to that, his personal funky style of playing, getting deep into his music, usually singing and beating down everyone.
Viscant, to be honest, I had no prior knowledge but looked like a guy that hadn't taken a day off MvC since its inception. I'm not really a fan of MVC, spectating is cool, but too many variables.. He deserved his win, all hail the first ever king of Marvel Capcom.
Daigo at the end of the comp looked totally burnt out. He came 4th and for whatever reason, he was beaten by better, and stinger players.. Simple. This may have been his worst EVO ever, and the way he was handled by top players was insane.. The link below shows just how owned he got..
Wolfkrone was a SF4 wonder, totally composed and dedicated to his game, the look in his eye in his final match against .. Was incredible, and with a few more matches, could've gone either way..
Cookie proved to be the most dedicated player, beating Ryan Hart in the Mortal Kombat playoffs.. Most dedicated in been decked out as Kitana.. Leotard and all, and gesturing (full body) fatalities on her opponents.. Now that entertainment.
Tokido, the ghost face killer lucked out to get 5th place.. Getting a bad matchup of Zangeif vs. Tokido's Akuma.. Almost an impossible game for the Geif.
Kindevu was a fan favorite for his total avante guard play, crazy mix-ups and essentially taking those risks that other players wouldn't. Was great to see a Seth player just plain trippin balls at EVO finals. Very close to legendary gaming, but the beast shut that down..

Plenty to be said and done, but after 3 nights with a couple if hours sleep.. That's what's sanding out at the mo.

It was good to see Geif and Viper up there, Yun on Yun or Fei Long matches as not only boring, but also really negatively effect the sport in my eyes. Ono announced an AE patch would be coming through in Winter, so hopefully that will work off these characters a lil.

Vid Review - Focus

"I believe in Mike Ross"

I've been working hard to step up my game these past few months, and SF is becoming a daily routine.. So when light came on a Mike Ross documentary; it was a day 1 must..

From the trailer a few months back, it was looking to be a personalized documentary on the 'comeback king' Mike Ross, as he prepared to compete in the 2010 EVO championships. I had pretty high hopes on this, and to be honest.. Was right on the money!

Ross is such an incredibly humble, nice guy, you can't help but get pulled into his methodology and perspective on fighting games. There's something about his character that instantly connects with the viewer and breaks the stereotype of what many believe to be a pro video gamer. A humble player with a long history in the game, mike knows where he stands amongst his peers; In fact one of the most attractive aspects of the documentary is the brutally honest perspective on Mike himself. That he isn't the best, hasn’t had much consistency and has a lot of flaws to his game. One of the guys quoted him as Mike "Loss" at one point. It's a classic.

The documentary shows the ups and downs, the pressures and passion that are essential to achieve, to be the best.

Shot at a base level and explaining the competitive aspects of the game in a way that even non video game fans can respect and appreciate is something that should make this assessable to wider audiences than 'King of Chinatown' released a few years back.

The documentary has heart, and a lot if that was on Mike’s personality in and outside the gaming community. With no hype, entourage or shit talking, you can respect his focus and love for the sport. When he takes his losses you feel for him, when he takes the wins, you're there with him, you can feel the pressure and see how close victory.. Or loss can be.

As a 20 something gamer myself, it's pretty rare to find anything that will just sync without cynicism, or some saltiness, especially following a member of the Street Fighter community (famously scrubby and trolly). It was perfect timing too with this years EVO taking place as we speak..

Focus doesn't sit with the intent to teach the masses about video games or fighting game culture, but show you the journey of a lovable guy trying to topple Everest. Maybe it's something to do with my Rocky mentality, but I loved this documentary to bits. You feel what you’re suppose to. No flashy photography, just a raw and honest old school underdog tale.

It'll be great to see some other documentaries in the same light in the coming years. The scene has a lot of stories to tell..