Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tekken Zaibatsu

Had the first meetup with the Zaibatsu community here in Tokyo last night..
If I'm going to get anywhere, I've gotto have community support. Sure you can self study, but having a community gives you that extra incentive.. Had a long day a work don't feel like playing.. Ran out of ideas.. Getting bored.. That kinda stuff is day in day out.. The community will always push just that little harder..

Take last night for example, meeting with Monchan (a good guy and long time fighter) who gave me a few pointers on my game.. The bottom line being .. "Learn the game" and "Learn juggles".. I was kinda laughin, (since it's a while since I got handled so bluntly), but this guy was serious.

The meet was good, the guys were good, the skills on the otherhand were a totally different class. Felt a little less salty when I heard they had been in the game since 96/97, and sure enough my ass was handed to me..

The main thing with the community that I wanted was rivalry.. And within 20 mins, I got it.

Monchan took all of the 20 matches we played, taunting with Miguel, not just using Miguel’s taunt but also spamming moves and showing very little respect.. Juggling and just all round getting me heated. By the end of the match I had to just get up outta sheer rage.. Technically I can't complain, the better player was winning, but as soon as I lost my pace.. I might as well have been throwing puppies at a tank.

It's all good though, much respect, and gave me a lot of the simple shit I've been needing to hear.

"ArcadeHero: So you wanted some advice... Here it is: I'm still not sure what sort of character you want to play. You told me jokingly that you'd like to play female characters which, in my opinion, is a horrible way to pick characters. That's ok though. You can take that statement with a grain of salt. Here's the important part. Ready for it?

Learn the juggles. This is essentially the core of tekken's punishment system. Reaping the correct reward for the opponent's risk. Other wise, to be quite honest, tier lists will not matter.

I'll leave character choice up to you for now but if you have the time, please search "level up your game" on YouTube and watch all the basic tutorials. All for now. If you have any questions feel free to ask."


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