Monday, June 27, 2011

LingMassacre - Avoiding the Puddle

Trolling through podcasts on the net has been the best move so far. it's incredible the amount of quality (and not so great quality) information out there. In terms of Tekken know how, you have to wake up pretty early to beat 'Avoiding the Puddle".. Don't let the name fool you, this one is dope. Check this chunk of an interview with LingMassacre..

J. How do you feel about matchups in general in Tekken 6? Do you think it's a major issue, or do you thinks it's balanced enough that it's not a major issue?
L. It's balanced enough so that tier lists mean shit..
J. Erm, ok..
L. And I say that with the most amount of fuver that I can inject into it. Tier lists mean nothing..
J. Ok..
L. I wipe my butt with them.
J. Whoa ok..
L. So coming from 4, coming from DR, there were some terrible matchups in DR. There’s no getting around it, there no playing your optimum ability, seeking out a way.. No you are going to die... With this game it's freaking Disneyland, I can beat anyone with Xioling. The way that I beat a person is by getting in there head, essentially. I can watch somebody’s play, I can analysis it. And then more than that I can know what you're feeling. It requires a little bit of empathy between rounds.. You take a small look over, are they tensive, are they passive..

Some awesome stuff, and just to back it up, check out the man himself in action. WOnder why they call him the LingMassacre .. Lolz

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