Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fight Term. - Sandbagging

Sandbagging is the best, and if you’re living in Japan and winning games, you're properly doing it too.

''Deceiving your opponent into underestimating your skill.''

It's an expression that covers a huge majority of gameplay in any sport. In terms of tournament gaming, were most matches are best 2 out of 3, being able to adapt is crucial. If an opponent has been conditioned to act or react in a certain way (sandbagged), there's no time to recover.. The match is yours.

It may be looked down on, but mind games are what separate the good, from the great. Complimenting verbally, falling for simple mistakes, never breaking throws.. Small ingredients, which condition and weaken opponents..

For More mind games, spoon bending and sandbagging, check Schwarzenegger’s interview on 'Pumping Iron' like 35 years back. I guess the when they coined the phrase;  'Schwazeneggering' just didn't catch on.

Check out 1.55

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