Sunday, July 24, 2011

Strat Corner

A little about Strat Corner

Hello, and welcome to the Video Gaming Federation Strat Corner podcast section of our site. Before listening to the podcasts, I wanted to provide you with a brief preface so that you know what this podcast is, how it works, and what to expect in the future.

As you will know based simply on the titles, the Tekken edition (our only current series) is devoted to one character in the Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion console fighting game, each podcast focusing on a different character. The next big fighting game release is expected to be Tekken Tag Tournament 2, so with that in mind, it made sense for us to devote some time to Tekken 6, a game Tag 2 will invariably pull most of its mechanics and technical details from. Although we do discuss tiers in our podcasts, the order in which our podcasts will be released is not directly associated with how we rank characters; rather, we’re simply going through the characters that you’re going to see most often, which usually coincides with what most players would consider good characters, so you’ll notice that the order of the podcasts will line-up, in a general way, to most players’ tier lists.
The ultimate goal is to provide a player that is new to the character–whether it be playing that character or playing against that character–a solid overview that they can apply in-game, while still giving more expert-level players new things to consider. As opposed to some other podcasts out there, ours is neither technical nor general, but a nice medium: We won’t go through every single move a character has, but we’ll certainly examine some; we’ll also discuss big picture but still keep the focus reigned in. In other words, our discussion will be categorical and not simply generic or overly technical. Despite this, there are certain things we will presume you already know, such as common notation and what frames are. If you’re unfamiliar with basic gameplay, we recommend visiting and going through their basic guides.
Each podcast follows a general outline that you can use to skip around if there are certain sections that don’t interest you. After a short introduction, we will immediately jump into the character discussion by providing a quick, 10 to 15-second summary of that character’s strengths and weaknesses. Using that summary, we’ll get into our more lengthy discussion by examining the categories we feel compose a character. These include punishing, tracking, damage, okizeme, grab games, launchers, and so on. After that core section, we’ll discuss where we believe the character falls on the tier list, what we’re seeing from tournaments, and what we’re hearing from players. We will then end our podcast with news or other noteworthy topics that we feel like discussing.
You’re also probably wondering who your hosts are. My name is Scott, and you can find me on both the SRK and TZ boards under the handle Xiang, spelled xiang. My co-host is Dan aka JannaKazama on the TZ boards. We’ve both been around the scene for a long time, with nearly two decades worth of experience in the community. We’re also decent players in our own right, so at the risk of sounding arrogant, we know our stuff, at least enough to feel confident that our opinions hold water. Occassionally, we will bring on guests to help in our discussion and in keeping with the Midwest orientation of the VGF, we’ll try our hardest to get Midwest peeps on the podcast, although we certainly won’t shun anyone who isn’t. Good conversation is good conversation, no matter where you’re from. Ultimately, though, our opinions are our own–and we love to voice them–so always keep that in mind.
Also, the intention of this podcast is to get the creative juices flowing and help any struggling players out there. The forums are filled with great information, but like anything on the internet, there’s also a lot of junk, so filtering through it can be awfully time-consuming. This podcast should help cut off the fat and give you the essentials. It’s not meant to replace or compete with any other podcasts, so be sure to check out podcasts like Avoiding the Puddle at, where aris, a well-known name in the community, interviews big names from Tekken, not only from the community but also from the gaming industry. If you’re looking for something incredibly technical, does a great podcast called Level Up Your game, where they break down each move a character has. There’s also the Powerup podcast devoted to big names in the Midwest. Links to all of these sites can be found under the “Links” tab.
Lastly, looking to the future, since the VGF supports 3 games–SSF4, Marvel 3, and T6–we’d like to do at least one series for the other games, but SRK does such a great job with their podcasts that it’s hard to think of something interesting that hasn’t already been done. It really is a one-stop shop for a lot of things. But we’re a creative bunch, so expect something in the coming months, especially once Tekken Tag 2 releases. We’ll also have all of our podcasts on this page.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to use the contact page. We’ll also have a thread in the general discussion board of T6 on, so feel free to chime in there as well. (TZ thread)
Thank you for taking a listen, and we hope you enjoy the podcasts

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