Thursday, August 11, 2011

Interview - Snooker

Got to talking with a semi pro snooker player last night about the ins and out of competitive play.

Since realizing a major flaw in my gameplay (the competitive edge.. And lack of quality) a few weeks back, I've been rooting around for a bit of self-development.

In terms of snooker (or any competitive sport), much relies on punishing or capitalizing on the opponent’s mistake. While you're off the table, the game is completely out of your control.. Pretty much the same as being launched in Tekken... Sit it out. Although requiring completely different skills in terms of dexterity and planning, snooker has a lot to give about handling adrehlin, making the most of opportunities and complete control over movements.

Sean (snooker dude) told me about some advice he had been given by a lecturer during his competitive days;
"He asked me a simple question, "Would you rather play a good player and lose, or play a bad player and win?".. Now most people would properly end up saying they'd prefer to lose but gain something.. That it's honorable to play and lose, and take that loss as development.. But the reality is everyone wants to win. You ask you're average Joe shmuck on the street and they'll give you the same answer."

"This guy (lecturer) really opened my eyes to a different way of thinking. For a long time I wasn't having any of it, but slowly I could see his point."

As a young player Sean was pretty arrogant, and had a hard time with losses; "I fucking hated losing.. Fucking hated it.. And I lost so many friends because of it.."

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