Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gamer Journal - Day 42

Spent 2 hours on SF training on Juri's Fuhajin. I'm pretty sloppy with the quarter circle forward and backwards movement and since it's her bread and butter, I'll need it to be reliable for competing.

Her Kasatushi technique too is something I'll be using a lot too. At EVO there was some pretty decent Juri players, but generally been used as rush down, but this move could be as useful as a teleport, at least. Projectile characters will have to watch for quick reversals.. And another thing.. Ryu's Metsu Hadouken can be countered by the Kasatushi.. In some cases, you can favor the teleport over jumping, as there is less chance of been caught in the air.

What else..

Kaisen Dankairaku is excellent as an anti air, and of course focus attacks can be followed up with the ultra too. I didn't check, but I'm pretty sure Dhalsim would get caught teleporting above her.

More practice on charge and release next, landing combos.

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