Monday, August 1, 2011

EVO - Reactions

No posts over the weekend, and very little time to train.. But what can you expect when EVO is on!!

In terms of upsets and drama.. This one was a biggy. Top players failed to qualify, and all levels of upsets rocked Las Vegas.

Too much happened, but here's a few gut reactions..

PR_Balrog dropping was too bad, awesome guy, deserved his top 8 position, and should have gone further.
Justin Wong had a great competition; his match up in MvC 3 against Noel Brown was a game highlight.
Noel brown coming out of the blue as an entourage buddy for JWong and co was excellent. He has plenty of time playing against and analyzing some of the greatest players in America, so that kinda shit is always gonna raise your game. Add to that, his personal funky style of playing, getting deep into his music, usually singing and beating down everyone.
Viscant, to be honest, I had no prior knowledge but looked like a guy that hadn't taken a day off MvC since its inception. I'm not really a fan of MVC, spectating is cool, but too many variables.. He deserved his win, all hail the first ever king of Marvel Capcom.
Daigo at the end of the comp looked totally burnt out. He came 4th and for whatever reason, he was beaten by better, and stinger players.. Simple. This may have been his worst EVO ever, and the way he was handled by top players was insane.. The link below shows just how owned he got..
Wolfkrone was a SF4 wonder, totally composed and dedicated to his game, the look in his eye in his final match against .. Was incredible, and with a few more matches, could've gone either way..
Cookie proved to be the most dedicated player, beating Ryan Hart in the Mortal Kombat playoffs.. Most dedicated in been decked out as Kitana.. Leotard and all, and gesturing (full body) fatalities on her opponents.. Now that entertainment.
Tokido, the ghost face killer lucked out to get 5th place.. Getting a bad matchup of Zangeif vs. Tokido's Akuma.. Almost an impossible game for the Geif.
Kindevu was a fan favorite for his total avante guard play, crazy mix-ups and essentially taking those risks that other players wouldn't. Was great to see a Seth player just plain trippin balls at EVO finals. Very close to legendary gaming, but the beast shut that down..

Plenty to be said and done, but after 3 nights with a couple if hours sleep.. That's what's sanding out at the mo.

It was good to see Geif and Viper up there, Yun on Yun or Fei Long matches as not only boring, but also really negatively effect the sport in my eyes. Ono announced an AE patch would be coming through in Winter, so hopefully that will work off these characters a lil.

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