Thursday, September 15, 2011

TTT2 Launch day - Pre-match thoughts

Holy shit, September came out of nowhere..

Well it's finally here.. What a whole bunch of us have been losing sleep over.. A game 2 years in development.. One of the most talked about games in the past decade.. It's 9am, I'm standing outside Taito game center in Shinjuku.. And it's about to get stupidly ridiculous up in here..

Launch day on a Wednesday morning is a bit of a weird choice.. ..I'm not sure what the rationale behind a major launch on this day is, bearing in mind 50% of the demographic are at work, and the other 50% in school.. Bleh, I guess that's why I don't work in Marketing...

In about 5 minutes I'll be in with Nina and Jaycee.. I'm almost choking on my heart, I'm so pumped for this release.. 頑張れ..

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