Monday, September 12, 2011


What happened to the blog recently.. It's been about three weeks since the last update! Getting married and 2 weeks in England is no excuse!

So right back into it.

With the release of Tekken Tag 2 on the 14th here (in 2 days) the level of gameplay in Tokyo, Nakano and Shinjuku has jumped forward. Real quality players have started to come out of the woodwork, and you can bet you arse there's a bunch of the original Tekken Tag players coming back.

In terms of my game.. Shit.. I don't know what it is but I've been struggling to find my feet these past few weeks. The games I've been playing have just lead to frustration at the huge combo having mother fckrz!

The Street Fighter scene has blown up around the way, with bunches of competitions showing up, including Tougeki this month..

I've been working on Chun Li technology.. And it's been working.. Still chewed up by the local community (as expected), but the wins are coming..

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