Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gamer Journal - Tournament Fail?

A few weeks back I was invited as a filler for a tag team street fighter 4 tournament out here in Tokyo, not releasing my SF knowledge was somewhere between slim and none. Being a Tekken player myself, the natural progression seemed to be that coming from a 3D player realm to a 2D one would favor me... Fail nĂºmero uno.

As a kid with a Megadrive, “Street Fighter” was out and “Streets of Rage” was in. Hours would be devoted to collecting rings or coins on platformers, smashing bots or smashing cars. Roll on 1995 and “Virtual Fighter” fever took over, followed a few years later by the “Tekken” era...

The tournament was over before it began. Our team outclassed and overwhelmed by the quality of play here. I'd like to think as a total scrub, I did pretty well .. But that would be horsecrap sir. (Check out the vid and see what you think).

Without a doubt I walked away with a mission. Chun Li would be back.. With none of this 3rd rate play bullony..

Game on..

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