Friday, June 10, 2011

Tier Ranking - Worst Bio's

Back-stories. Who cares right? A Beat Em Up should be just that.. But sometimes its cool to see the characters you play day in and day out, interact with other characters in another way than just ball busting.

Ever think of Dan Hibiki and wonder just what the hell his motivation is for taking part in World fighting tournaments? How about 'Picky' from 'Fighting Vipers'? Or 'Roger Jr'? How about 'Gon'? Well here we’re going t look at some of the wuuurst backstories and half arsed attempts at plot development that the years subjected us to.

First for your consideration is Jane from 'Fighting Vipers' on the Saturn.

“Jane: a butch and muscled 18 year old part-time construction worker, Jane trained her whole life to join the Navy, but did not make it past training. She was discharged after repeatedly losing control of herself during fights and injuring fellow seamen. Jane now wants to test just how tough she is, hence entering the Fighting Vipers tournament. Due to all these flagrant traits, Jane is believed to be either a bisexual or a lesbian until further notice.”

I mean, seriously dude, holy shit. Pretty much any of the character descriptions from FV’s could have been up here, but I reckon Bisexual or lesbian, butch construction worker really does take some topping.. Urg

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