Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gamer Journal - Loses

A few weeks back I got an invite to join a Street Fighter team at Taito game center in Shinjuku. Our team lost.. abysmally.. And somehow I felt mildly responsible..

As a kid I was all about the platformers, and while my love of beat em ups stayed with me since the days of Primal Rage and Eternal Champions.. I never had the patience, the disposition or mental capacity to look at the beat em ups in anything other than a one-dimensional perspective. Really didn't handle the loses well, as countless smashed GameGears and Gameboys will tell you.

Ain’t going to be studying frame rates here, and I'm not expecting miracles at Evo.. But the next year will be largely dedicated to the gaming scene, specifically, soul caliber, Tekken and Street fighter. Sure I'll be playing a few games in between, but I'll be taking a few competitions away with me too..

Basically How far can an average gamer guy go in the fight scene?

Let's see..

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