Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gamer journal - So, sticks?

There is plenty to choose from out there. But after much thought and debating, decided to go for the Hori Pro V3-SA.

What sets it apart?

Firstly, quality. Hori represents champion level products, used by industry professionals. The stick lever and buttons contain parts made by Sanwa also, responsible for many of the arcade cabinets.

Price. Basically the Hori VX is a middle of the range price, in Japan you'll probably end up paying around 12,000 yen ($100), buy the durability and performance will soon quash that hurt.

Then we have the weight and size, which is perfect for just about everyone. Even the most rage induced street fight fans will have trouble getting this baby to jump. The feel is a balance between sturdy, but still lap friendly (4kg apx) and the overall size is enough to fill the arcade feel, but not half the room.

Finally, but probably most importantly performance. Above all other things, it has to feel right. If a standard Madkatz stick feels right, get it. You'll be spending lot of time on it, so it's gotto fit.

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