Friday, June 24, 2011

Tier Ranking - The Sucky 7

Picking a fighter can pretty spiritual thing for some people. That character will be stepping in the ring re team, just you. You get a feel for the way the character moves and reacts You want to know this character and sync with them.. Sometimes..

Note, this list ain't just playability and move sets, this is the whole package, including bios, fashion, and just general offensive concepts! Remember all those horrendous back stories that even as a kid made you think "gee, someone really was hitting the crack pipe when they coughed up this bullshit".

Dan Hibiki (before SF4)
Inevitably Dan had to make an appearance in a list like this. Sure he's a comedy character, and has come on leaps and bounds (so to speak) in SSF4, but there's no way to play down his all round shitty gameplay. Dan..

Jane (Fighting Vipers)
Virtual Fighter is always going to be Sega’s flagship fighting game, and for good reasons.. One of which was the lack of fighting games available on the Saturn back in 95. Fighting vipers wasn't the worst game ever, but, the back-stories Oh man..  The back-stories. Without a doubt the worst and most hash reasons to join a fighting tournament. This entire list could be dedicated to the FV characters but just check Jane to see what I'm talking about..
"Jane: a butch and muscled 18 year old part-time construction worker, Jane trained her whole life to join the Navy, but did not make it past training. She was discharged after repeatedly losing control of herself during fights and injuring fellow seamen. Jane now wants to test just how tough she is, hence entering the Fighting Vipers tournament. Due to all these flagrant traits, Jane is believed to be either a bisexual or a lesbian until further notice"

Yoda (Soul Calibur 4)
If you are using an anti grab character now, just stop it.. No, no, no.. Just.. Stop it.. Stand up, go to the bathroom and flush your head in the toilet.. You are a douche.. Something is just inherently salty about fighting a character that can avoid high attacks or grabs. Footsies are part and parcel of most games, but seriously.. Really? Midget characters just gotto go.

Gon (Tekken 3)
For the exact same reasons as above! The wee arse! Tekken 3 lost a hell of a lot of support once this guy came into use..

Blanka (SF)
Blanka by is no means the worst of the worst, but it's his application that grinds my balls. Turtle ass Blanka.. Just sitting there.. Charging his ultra.. Waiting for you to come in.. Goddamit I hate that guy.

Tsunami (Ballz)
Respectively, there are a few aspects that have remained constant through a lot of the fighter games; Ninja's, Samurai, Native Americans, animals.. But one thing that needs to be dropped is Sumo.. Tsunami from the genesis was a prime example of why Sumo wrestlers are excellent at sumo wrestling, but suck in brawls. How many Sumo have you used? That's right, they suck! (Couldn't even find a picture of this guy)

Meat (MK4)

"Meat was a horrible experiment created by Shang Tsung, who escaped the sorcerer's clutches before he could be completed.."  If anything this was a horrible experiment by midway to fill up the roster. Absolutely a meat head , having no originality, moves, or even clothes.. Meat.. Total Sheat..

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