Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gamer Journal - First Steps

Getting set up. Assuming you have a copy of the game, the next important step is to get the right equipment.

Arcade Sticks vs The Pads

The market is pretty much packed with options, but you gotto know what exactly you want to accomplish. Looking for online notoriety, competing at EVO or just local arcade tournaments? . Know the goals before kicking balls, so to speak.

Xbox360 and PlayStation users will of course be in favor the standard pads for online play, Which is cool, and for many much easier and accurate than fiddling with a stick.

But any player of any caliber will tell you that you're missing a whole world of gaming culture by not going stick. The pad kinda encourages sloppy gameplay, button mashing and all round noobism in fighting games, whereas the stick gives a feeling of accomplishment and harmony when you land that first fireball, or perform a combo flawlessly. Connecting stick and buttons movements will be a pain in the arse, but well worth it later down the road..

So you decided on a stick? Wonderful!

Next stop, game shop!

Yodabashi camera has a nice range, and while I wouldn't recommend buying from these places (unless you will stick around in Japan using a point card), it's a great place to physically get your hands on and check the weights, button feel, stick movements etc.

I am in no way an authority, but from listening to some of the best tournament fighters, one thing is clear.. Weight is key.

Trying to perform a technique whilst chasing the stick around the room isn't a pretty sight, and in the arcades you won't have such freedom. For these reasons it's highly recommended to get a weighty stick...

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