Friday, June 10, 2011

Tier Ranking - 7 Bang Up Broads

Possibly based on nothing other than infatuation, pre teen gaming and the fact that my own marriage is looming, it seemed right to look back and assess the competition and decide the top seven marriage material.

Note, these are arcade heroes! 
Don't get all frumpy if we miss Princess Toadstool, or Amy Rose (yeah, sure)

Chun Li
Kicking off of course with the beautiful Chun Li. Almost 20 years of spinning bird kicks and still as flexible as ever. Chun has got to be the most iconic female fighter in gaming, not just due to a great set of legs, trademark costume and all the flexibility of a circus contortionist, but because of having one of the most iconic back stories too, classically a tale of vengeance against the organization that killed her family. How could you not love this girl?
She proved over the years to be above all the brainwashing and shit, and just be a warm hearted, pure character.

Simply - Holding down a good job, but spending a lot of time away from home.

Honey (Fighting Vipers)
For anyone out there with a Saturn in 1995, this was as close to raunchy as the Sega would ever get.
Honey, the 16-year-old college student studying fashion by day and slapping ass by night would coming up to her 30th year. Perfect, she got out all that angry youthful aggression and is now looking to settle down with family. You don't want that kind of vicious streak following you around in your marriage, cos a few years down the line, honey ain't gonna be tastin too sweet son.

Simply - A snappy dresser and retired fighter.

Sarah Bryant
Sarah, Sarah, a total stunner, and a girl you could be pretty sure not to be playing away. The Bryant family had a kinda messed up family history, what with brainwashing and murders and whatnot, but sweet Sarah has been around since 93 in the fighting scene. Since then, no brutalities, fatalities or even babalities, showing her to be a stand up broad. Pretty much Sarah is exactly the kind of women you'd be able to trust in social situations, not to become and drunken scene and ttally ruin your evening.

Simply - Almost entirely over her brainwashing ordeal, but still could be convinced to make ham sandwiches just how you like them.

Through an through, put a ring on it. Military babe, has no regard


Nina Williams
Really coming under the same umbrella as Sarah in terms of brainwashing and easy to convince about this and that. Nina has had a tormented life, not only die to being Irish, but the whole, assassin, son been extracted from her body while she was in a cryogenic state for several years, as well as having a bitch of a sister..
Nina really needs a break, and as a.. However old she is gal, it's time to get out of the killing business..

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