Monday, July 4, 2011

Arcade Insight - Battle Arena

The dopest place on planet earth.

Sure you’ve got 'Arcade UFO' if you’re out in the Cali. Totally you've got Skegness if you're out in the UK.. But that shit is shamed in comparison to 'Battle Arena' in Shinjuku.. Totally eclipsed..

It's one of the unsung hubs in central Japan, with one of the biggest fight game layouts in the world. A few mins walk from Shinjuku station and a minute’s floorspace walk from wall to wall (mainly due to heaving crowds day in day out).

First introduced to me a few months back, cabinets include every fighter you'd be expecting nowadays.. Just more than usual, and better than usual.. 12 Super Street Fighter cabinets all with good spectator space (yeah That shit really does matter, nothing beats landing a juggle while having someone's crotch riding up against you huh), 12 Tekken cabinets, soon to become Tekken Tag 2’s, VF, SC, MB, GG, you name it. The arena itself is based in the lower level of the Sega arcade, so aswel as the fight section, you've also got the mad array of Taiko and whatnot.. (Good for cool downs I guess)

In terms of a serious gaming atmosphere, ‘Battle Arena’ really covers the needs of a competitive fighter .. a fighters arena, with competitions monthly, heavy crowd participation and often a hangout for Daigo, Tokido, and a bunch of the high level players out in Japan..

On the flipside, Akiba is undoubtedly the hub of gaming in Japan, but anyone who has had the misfortune to experience that bullshit will tell you it's like walking into a hentai otaku’s bedroom.. Emotionless, starchy, loveless ..Shinjuku is the real thing man.
Congrats. Battle Arena gets a Chun Li (Sexy and a mean bitch award)! Dope ass Arcade with everything that you want, spacious, close to the station, good prices, you name it. Check it out!,139.69732&spn=0.001198,0.002009&sll=35.689653,139.697803&sspn=0.001198,0.002009&safe=off&filter=0&radius=0.07&z=19&layer=c&cbll=35.689401,139.69719&panoid=t4qshBKC_Z1qK7JysHPPnw&cbp=12,59.94,,0,-2.83

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