Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gamer Journal - Progress

Despite having a PS3 and Xbox under the belt, and dedicating a month to upping my game, the two consoles really proved to amount to nothing (but training tools).. No amount of online gaming will really prep me for tournament fighting, it’s too relaxed, there's no penalty and the lag .. Don’t get me started on the lag.. The passion of an actual arcade tournament put online games to shame (sorry but it's gotto be said).

Over the past 4 weeks of smashing buttons at home, what I had learned was a whole heap of techniques and tactics But what I had lost was the killer instinct and venom that's crucial. Sure casuals at home allowed me to build my sets, but under actual Arcade setting, those techniques became flustered and useless.. Ultimately frustrating the living hell outta me.. And causing a huge loss streak And almost a breakdown yo

So some weekly goals;

50 games of Super SSF, 50 games of Tekken

Equating to a hundred games a month on each.  may sound a little regimented but take into account, cost (penniless), and time (got a job bro). Overall it's just going to be a minimum guideline, buts it's a dope incentive to improve and maintain.

From past experience (diets, weight training, speed training, CPR training), it's better to have an achievable target and build up from there. I'll put the stats up every week to see where I'm at..

Stats baby, straight stats

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