Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gamer Journal - Dealing with Cheese

The past few weeks have been home console practice. Jumping between Street Fighter and Tekken. Very soon will be the new Street Fighter X Tekken game, and shortly after the Tekken Tag 2, so it's fundamental to get these two covered now.

Home practice on Tekken may have affected my play style and not in a good way, becoming a little sloppier in my execution.  Playing at Taito game enter in Shinjuku on Tuesday left me severely bruised and battered when a Raven player decided to just gimmick me out.. Cheap shorts jab frame advantages and just throwing the whole bag at me. Frankly speaking it was an embarrassment; the past month of training was stripped away by a total cheese character. You know the opponent is just shite when gimmicks become his standard get up.

Unfortunately I noticed a huge issue Personally affecting my execution and consistency

Inability to deal with cheese...

When I can see the technique coming, I cant react fast enough My reaction speeds are not too bad, but just the disrespect of the opponent, pulling out cheap shots.. I can feel the concentration go, and just the tank mentality come over me.. I
Pretty sure that a lot of this is due to fighting too many CPU opponents in training modes too. Despite the most sophisticated levels and hardest difficulty setting on any game, nothing is going to compensate to being witted against a human on the cabinet.. Nothing..

Not being able to break throws even 50% of the time is really hurting my game bad too. Shit like that is going to get me destroyed in competition. Need stamina and composure above anything in this kinda setting..

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