Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gamer Journal - 50 Matches

Pretty tough sticking to the 50 matches..

In one short week I've properly doubled my game know how. Not even tactically, but just understanding some of the downfalls of my own gameplay.

Sure my win rate on Tekken isn't so bad.. but I've come to realise that a lot of that is down to picking and choosing. When I take a few losses I drop out and play again another day.  It's healthy, but won't help my gameplay.. Infect it's hindering my insurance and stamina, alongside the actual cheapness of picking and choosing fights.

Street fighter has caused me no end of problems. Getting mixed up and all round wailed on. Its just lack of experience, and that all I'm looking for now.. Asking for wins at this point would be dumb..

First match was against a Cody player (which I had no idea about), BBB+ (which I'm told translates as 'child beater') and 20,000 battle points (which I believe means 'necrofiliac'). Of course my ass was handed to me, heavily beaten, and after 4 matches I decided to go and learn Cody.

Found some pretty good vids on how to upset Cody’s gameplay.

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