Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gamer Journal - Sucking

Straight up, since I started taking this shit seriously.. Some of the finer points of tournament level fighting are coming to fruition..

Firstly.. Taking loses is hard man. Literally the last 20 matches have been nothing but beat downs. Each round was close, getting totally trounced is a once in a blue June.. But even so, either the competition just went up 10 fold, or I don't know what..

Secondly.. As always, combos are king.. And it's clear that I need to put energy into getting 90+ in a single combo, or I should just quit now. I always preferred footsie games, or slowly wearing down the opponent.. But being launch by Kazuya and Heihachi half the night has taught me one thing.. Of they re launching, you need to be launching too..

Tekken works on the 180 health bar, meaning that 2 combos is enough to finish the match. And a wall combo.. Forget about it..

So I have to take this back to the bedroom and work on some creative combos..

Next step 90+ combos

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