Sunday, July 17, 2011

Arcade Review - TiLT

Work took me Kawasaki side this month, a place known as Pachinko central, Yakuza homeland and a waterhole between Yokohama and Tokyo.. There had to be some action on the arcade scene right..?

Spaced over 5 floors, it's a pretty simple set up, the fight games separate on the 3rd and 4th floors.  6 SF and 8 Tekken machines is a pretty good set up.. Amazingly they had 6 'Third Strike' machines running too, which shows the strength of the fight game community that side.

Spaciously speaking, TiLT has a pretty good layout, enough space to walk around and spectate and been located about 5 mins from the station exit was definitely a huge plus. Also it was clear that local tournaments were been held pretty frequently .. All in all, as a local gamer it would be a pretty dope hangout.

Unlike Tokyo, most of the players knew each other, and exchanged glances and taunts prior matches. Yeah, Friendly communities may not mean shit out in Tokyo.. But it's a change if pace and a good way to learn ..

So let's get down to brass taps.. TiLT has an awesome array of players.. Over 2 hours I had seen 5000 plus fights on some of the Tekken ID cards, and 30000 plus BP on some of the SF players. Amongst the ups and downs of this place, these attributes are crucial.. It's not enough to leave Tokyo and set up camp in Kawasaki, but the local community is a pretty strong pull..

One of the major lows of the place was simply cleanliness. Sat playing and suddenly realizing Nina is stuck crouching due to Dr. Pepper, or just having to move empty bottles the next machine o play a game . Obviously this is due to the player’s own hygiene problems, but even so, it kinda brought the place down a few notches..

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