Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Resource - iplaywinner

Move lists, strats and frame data.. Surprising hard to find on the net, mainly due to trolls talking nonsense, arguing, debating, and everyone wanting to voice an opinion.. 

Praise god for iplaywinner.com. Since finding their podcasts a few months back, they have kinda sorted me out with a bunch of pointers, mainly to do with the Sf scene.

The fact they cover all the major fight game bases is a huge plus, you've got your BlazBlue, KoF and whatnot, but as a quick and simple, you can't beat it. Sure SRK has the news first, but being a nobody working my way up from absolute zero, it seems like iplaywinner is really catering for ground level up fighters.

Shit is broken down real simply into exactly what the characters strength and weaknesses are, tactics and matchups .. Shamefully, recognizing a rush down character in SF is still not totally clear to me.. (With the intro of arcade edt. About 20 new characters popped up.. And that's a shit lot of work!)

In terms of tactics in fighting games, any of the guys can be played in whatever style suits you.. But going against the grain will limit your choices..

"Cammy" for example is much better suited to in their face beat downs, she's a rush down character.. That's the bottom line.. "Guile" more for turtling.. Blanka, countering .. Basic shit, but ipw just gives it to you straight up..  Hit points, tier ranking, usability.. Perfect

That's what I like, that's what I want.

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