Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gamer Journal - Day 32

Straight up, the practice isn't goin so well.

SF is pulling me in with its 2D simplicity (yeah, yeah, troll all you want) and it's range of flashy techniques, I'm becoming a bit of a junky for super combo and ultra finish’s.. But scratchin deeper into the technical side; cancels, combos and footsies, is still beyond me. Arcade Edition has a huge number of characters, and to be honest, it's kinda overwhelming, even getting the basic techniques of characters like Gen is causing deep ball ache.

Having training partners is the way to go, absolutely, but being so basic a player, dealing with the cheap shit might cause me to bust a nut. If I play a Sagat, I'll just end up with a face full of fireballs.. And my partner a plain face full of balls.. I don't know if I can deal with that shit at the moment..

By the end of the week I wanna have the basic play if each character covered.. And still I've gotto work on Cammy..

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