Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fighter Focus - Alex Valle

Recently noticed I'd really been overlooking a huge ass proportion of why I'm doing this.. The real arcade heroes.. The inspiration, passion and dedication of champions..

So let's talk Valle.. Alex Valle.. Peruvian-American Street Fighter II player extraordinaire..

"His style was and still is aggressive. Aggressive and relentless. Relentless and brutal. "Almost instantly, Valle understands your game, and from there he gets inside your head and just violates you," says Seth Killian, long time Valle pal and resident Street Fighter expert at Capcom. "While some other top players would hang back and try and grind you down, he pioneered his own 'rushdown' style, where he was on you so fast, and in so many different ways, you were constantly on the defensive. While you were trying to figure out what just happened, he was on you again with a new setup, so his opponents would really just fall apart. It's paralyzing." Valle explains, "There isn't much time to think when the game starts, so my strategy involves overwhelming my opponent before they can adapt.""
Axel Valle is a legend in the SF community.. Not 'was', 'is'. The only problem now being A SFII-arcade player, living in a SFIV-online world.. Valle's Exploits during the 90's have made him one of the most respected fighters of all time in. "Players needed guts of iron. Way back in '96, Valle put himself on the map with his fight at Southern Hills Golfland arcade with rival John Choi at the B3: Battle By The Bay, the unofficial West Coast Street Fighter Alpha 2 arcade grand championship. Two years, at the SFA3 World Tournament, Valle went head-to-head against Daigo Umehara (yes, that Daigo) in Daigo's first international fight."

Check out some of the greatest fights in history, and witness the awesome power, which is the Valle, 32 and still primin.
There's a lot to learn from this guy.. Developing your style nowadays is much easier than for Valle, back in the day, but coming up the hard way forced his style to be rushdown. It's what fits and what works..

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