Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gamer Journal - Kids..

Managed to be at a loose end for an hour today in Shinjuku, so why not hit up Battle Arena.

Midday is usually when the kids are on lynch breaks, so pretty much you'll be matching a 15 year old Junior High school student. It's cheap, I know, but don't knock it man, these kids can roll hard..  it's good time to get some practice in yo..

Street fighter has never been my MO, but downed a few hundred yen and took a bunch of wins vs. a couple if loses. Granted they were kids in casuals, but even sitting at the SF cabinet takes a bit of balls the first few times. You ain't really going to be chatting with the locals (or at least I ain't, what with my repugnant Japanese).. The bottom line is your credibility is on the line..

Yeah you can say that your skills rep you in whatever walk of life, but Japan is the motherland of gaming.  the dudes here may seem relaxed and complacent, but what we are dealing with here is a battle "of truly epic proportions." For the average Japanese gamer, Pride, Honor, and the pursuit of perfection as a craft is fundamental, not just dropping a few coins at the arcade like some casual match.

Truly, this is the reason for such passion in Japan amongst the gaming community. Call it Zen or Budo or whatever man; it's not due to release dates or psychic powers or anything.. Simply.. The pursuit of victory..

Anyways, I took my wins, thats all that matters at the moment. Getting on the mule was tough, but the whip is out yo!


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